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jueves, enero 04, 2007

Estas canciones son dedicadas para la persona que amo.

Have you ever noticed
That I'm not acting as I used to do before?
Have you ever wondered
Why I always keep on coming back for more?

What have you done to me?
I'll never be the same, I tell you for sure
I'll never be the same, I tell you for sure
I'll never be the same, I tell you for sure

You really are my ecstasy,
My real life fantasy, oh yeah...

You really are my ecstasy,
My real life fantasy, oh yeah...

Not that I'm complaining,
A more beautiful vision, I have never seen
If you don't mind me saying,
A lifelong ambition to fulfill my dream

What have you done to me?
I'll never be the same, I tell you for sure
I'll never be the same, I tell you for sure
I'll never be the same, I tell you for sure

You really are my ecstasy,
My real life fantasy, oh yeah...

You really are my ecstasy,
My real life fantasy, oh yeah...

You really are my ecstasy,
(There can be no other
While we still have each other)
My real life fantasy, oh yeah...
(There can be no other
While we still have each other)

You really are my ecstasy,
(There can be no other
While we still have each other)
My real life fantasy, oh yeah...
(I tell you for sure)

I saw a picture yesterday,
You know the one, we were laughing in the rain
Remember how it used to be,
Remember when you were still in love with me

But you turned away,
And I start to cry
I'm lost without your love
and I won't survive
Don't leave me alone tonight
I'm lost without your love and I won't survive

I can't believe that we are through
Is it someone else?
Have ya found somebody new?
Cuz I die inside everytime I close my eyes
and imagine myself living without you

But you turned away
and I start to cry
I'm lost without your love
and I won't survive
Don't leave me
Alone tonight
I'm lost without your love
and I won't survive

Bueno estas dos canciones se las dedico al amor de mi vida Fallon.

3 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

awww Ricardoo esas 2 canciones m trauman ps ud sabe! jaja... y son re lindas y q bno q tiene a kien ddicarselas ps, q le vaya r bn cn ella en todo lo q le queda y ya sabe q si necesita q vaya a su ksa (a la d Fallon) a dejarle algo o algo asi yo voy... wajajajaja si pss! nombre pro ps si necesita q lo ayude cn algo d ella o algo asi yo toy aki ok, LQM! muaa muaa!!. Mechezz

FaLlOn dijo...
Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.
Anónimo dijo...

hola rikrdinii!! jaja manoo que deawevo que le ddiq canciones.. pero que sweet el muxaxo jaja nombre que deawevo les deseoo lo mejor asi en seiro!! que los dos son bn dawevo como personas y espero que puedan lograr acrc solo una (fallon y ud) jaja a weis bueno ps esta deawevo esta situacion de su profile .. conozco a alguien famoso .OHHHH JOJO bueno bye y ya sabe caulquier cosa ai toy =)betza R
